Internal Diseases is the main section concerned with the diagnosis and solution of the health problems of the majority of the adult patient group. Internal Medicine is the basis for all clinical branches of modern medicine. Medicabil Hospital Internal Medicine Department usually serves as the first referral address for undiagnosed patients. In addition, he performs the treatments, consultations, preoperative preparations and necessary interventions of hospitalized patients.
In the light of current scientific developments, necessary modern examinations, laboratory (blood, urine, feces, etc.), radiological examinations (x-ray, ultrasonography, mammography, computed tomography, MRI, bone density, etc.), if necessary, endoscopic examinations ( Provides early and definite diagnosis of diseases by using all necessary examinations such as upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc.) and ECG, Echocardiography. Although Internal Diseases are divided into many sub-branches in parallel with scientific and technological developments, it is of great importance in terms of evaluating the patient as a whole, making the diagnosis by performing further examinations and regulating the treatment. Internal Diseases Department, upper and lower respiratory tract diseases, febrile diseases, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid diseases, cholesterol and triglyceride elevations, digestive system diseases (gastritis, ulcer, reflux, spastic colitis, etc.), liver and gall bladder diseases, It covers lung diseases (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma etc.), kidney diseases, anemia and blood diseases diagnosis and treatment, early diagnosis of various cancer diseases, rheumatic diseases, musculoskeletal diseases. In accordance with the diagnosis made in the Internal Diseases Department, both internal diseases sub-branches-endocrinology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, etc. It works in cooperation with cardiology, chest diseases, infectious diseases, neurology, all surgical departments and psychiatry departments, referring the patient to the relevant department when necessary, and strives for the solution of all health problems of the patient.
Medicabil Hospital Internal Diseases Department service includes polyclinic examinations, inpatient follow-up and treatment, emergency service, intensive care follow-up and check-up. Check-up is a comprehensive health screening performed periodically without any complaints of the person and in line with the person's gender, age and increasing risk factors. Thanks to check-ups, diagnosing many vital diseases as early as possible can increase the probability of treatment success.