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Health Means Touching Patient's Life First

The main purpose of Medicabil Hospital's establishment is filling the gaps in the medical care sector in the best way possible and enabling people to reach the best quality healthcare they deserve much more easily. We are useing all the possibilities of the developing technology which shortens the treatment period with the support of state of the art medical technologies.

Get Know Us

Private Medicabil Hospital

We are pleased to serve you with 6 professors, 5 associate professor, 41 specialists, 5 general practitioners 32 specialties in our modern building with 154 beds, 27.500 square meters area, advanced technologies and operating theaters.

What is Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)? What are the symptoms? How to Treat?

What is Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)? What are the symptoms? How to Treat? We will explain th...

Colon Cancer (Symptoms, Stages, Treatment)

Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer originating from the cells in the inner part of the large...

Influenza (Flu) in Children

In this article, you can find answers to questions such as "What is flu?", "How is influenza tr...