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Tooth Tightening

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Involuntary tooth tightening or grinding during sleep, which is a symptom of daily work pace and stressful life, is a condition that negatively affects dental health. These people are also often unaware that they are gritting or grinding their teeth. Pain such as morning headache, facial pain and jaw pain causes symptoms with complaints. It is observed that if it remains untreated for a long time, it becomes chronic and causes more major problems in the future.

If left untreated, complaints progress over time, and difficulty eating, difficulty opening and closing the mouth due to jaw joint problems are added to the table.

Patients with jaw discomfort go to ear-nose-throat and neurology clinics with symptoms such as headache, facial and ear pain until they contact a dentist.

First, radiological examination is performed to evaluate the structure of the jaw.

Treatment of Tooth Tightening

The treatment process is long. It is necessary to raise awareness of the patient and ensure that the patient's compliance is good.

  • Dental plaques: it is aimed to cut off the contact of the lower and upper jaw teeth with each other. They are transparent plaques. It is prepared specially by taking the patient's mouth size.
  • Dental protective apparatus: in these protective apparatus made of hard acrylic plastic materials, the aim is to cut the contact of the lower and upper jaw teeth with each other. They are also called” Night Guardians".

Novo Novo treatment can provide partial relief in patients with acute muscle spasm, as well as muscle relaxants and hot water therapy.