It is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck located under the larynx. Despite its small size, the thyroid gland has a fairly large effect on the work of our body. The thyroid gland controls the energy levels of our body, while its problems are vital. Treatment of these problems is possible. Diseases of the thyroid gland are concentrated in more than one branch of Medicine. Internal diseases Endocrinology (hormones, science, and in particular with the Department of nuclear medicine, which is involved in the diagnosis, which is responsible for neck surgery ear, nose and throat and head and Neck Surgery, Department of disease in order to treat (internal medicine department) branches must work together. You may not know much about thyroid problems, but they are common and affect many people. Having thyroid problems can mean that these glands are hypoactive and functioning poorly, or it can mean that they are hyperactive and working too much. Your thyroid gland may grow or develop nodules. Problems of the thyroid gland can usually be easily treated. It is even possible to treat many types of thyroid cancer. The success result of these treatments is very good. Depending on the type of problem, medications, thyroid hormone tablets, surgery, or other methods may be involved in your treatment. The thyroid gland regulates the level at which different organs of your body should work. It's called your metabolism. The speed of metabolism affects the functioning of your organs.
Your metabolism affects your digestive system, controlling the degree to which you should burn calories. It keeps your skin, hair and nails healthy and your muscles and nerves in shape. It also affects your thinking and feeling. Your thyroid gland provides all these arrangements by making thyroid hormones.
The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone with iodine taken from the foods you eat. Cells work faster when producing high amounts of thyroid hormone. A small amount of thyroid hormone is produced while cells work more slowly. The level of TSH in the blood increases when the level of thyroid hormone in the blood decreases, and also decreases when the level of thyroid hormone increases.
If you have Hypodiroid, your thyroid gland secretes fewer thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism also occurs as a result of not getting enough iodine with nutrients, problems with the pituitary gland, or removal of the thyroid gland. In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland produces more hormones. The most common cause is graves ' disease. It occurs as a result of the immune system stimulating the thyroid gland. Graves 'disease also sometimes causes problems in the eye, when the eyes are held forward (exophthalmus). Cells in the nodule can produce more hormones than other cells, causing hyperthyroidism.