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Лаборатория клинической биохимии

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  • Лаборатория клинической биохимии

Все лаборатории больницы Медикабиль - это отделения, которые оснащены современным оборудованием и влияют на процесс диагностики. Лаборатории биохимии, гематологии, микробиологии, патологии и электрофизиологии способствуют диагностике заболеваний с помощью различных тестов. Испытания, проводимые в нашей лаборатории, завершаются в кратчайшие сроки под наблюдением различных международных центров контроля качества, с помощью обновленных устройств с постоянным мониторингом мира науки и технологий.

Цель клинической лаборатории

  • Выявление болезней или предрасположенности к болезням,
  • Помощь в подтверждении или отклонении диагноза,
  • Предположения на тему продолжительности и развития некоторых заболеваний,
  • Контроль  эффективности лечения.

Качественный стандарт наших лабораторий

Безопасность пациента и его ожидания принимаются во внимание на каждом этапе, от взятия образцов для тестирования у пациента  до использования результатов на его благо. Условия, предьявляемые национальными и международными стандартами обслуживания и управления, выполняются полностью. Имеются все лабораторные тесты, необходимые для диагностики, лечения и оценки пациентов, современные устройства, опытные специалисты, поддерживаемые постоянно обновляемым обучением, полезная хорошо продуманная физическая среда, эффективная управленческая команда, заботящаяся о качестве.

Сфера наших услуг в клинической лаборатории

  • Биохимия:проводятся исследования крови, мочи и других жидкостей организма. Тесты, оценивающие функции печени и почек, определяющие содержание жира в крови и сахара, таких как холестерин, триглицериды, ЛПВП, ЛПНП, и нагрузочные тесты, исследующие скрытый сахар, - это лишь некоторые из тестов, проводимых в данном отделении. .
  • Эндокринология: это отделение, в котором изучаются гормоны. Тесты, которые помогают оценить уровень витаминов и гормональный статус в организме, - вот некоторые из параметров, изучаемых в этом отделении. В этом разделе изучаются скрининговые тесты беременных женщин в первом и втором триместре, в ходе которых проверяются некоторые генетические заболевания ребенка в утробе матери.
  • Коагуляция:проводится множество анализов для оценки свертываемости крови. Эти тесты являются параметрами, которые помогают в интерпретации нарушений свертываемости крови и кровотечения.
  • Электрофорез: исследования проводятся, чтобы помочь определить присутствие или тип определенных ферментов и белков в крови и моче.
  • Гематология: анализ крови, оценка эритроцитов, лейкоцитов и всех других клеток крови,  могут быть приведены в качестве примеров проводимых тестов.
  • Аллергия. Существует множество тестов, которые помогают определить наличие аллергии, которая является важной проблемой нашего времени, и также то, против каких веществ она развивается.
  • Токсикология: проводятся исследования различных уровней лекарств и наличия некоторых токсичных веществ.
  • Микробиология: мы классифицируем микроорганизмы: бактерии, вирусы, грибки и паразиты. Все эти микроорганизмы проявляются как возбудители болезней. В этом отделении мы проводим прямые и непрямые тесты на инфекционные микроорганизмы. В микробиологической лаборатории есть отделения бактериологии, вирусологии, микологии, паразитологии и серологии.
  • Иммунология:тесты, используемые для диагностики заболеваний, которые развиваются в иммунной системе, изучаются в лаборатории иммунологии.
  • Молекулярная биология: за последние годы в лабораторной диагностике инфекционных заболеваний были достигнуты значительные успехи. Методы в новой области были разработаны для самого прямого агента или косвенно для агента-специфического антигена и антител, выработанных в организме против агента, которые используются в диагностике. Более точные и быстрые результаты получаются при исследовании ДНК и РНК микроорганизмов. С помощью этой технологии можно легко идентифицировать болезнетворные микроорганизмы даже в небольших количествах. Этот метод является ценным методом обнаружения трудно воспроизводимых микроорганизмов, которые невозможно получить в обычных средах.

Наша группа

Специалист по биохимии
Thank you so much for your care, warmth and professionalism! Thanks to you, this important step became easier and more confident for me!
I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff of the clinic for their professionalism, care and attention! From the moment of the first consultation to the discharge, I felt I was in safe hands. The doctors explained in detail all the stages of the operation, answered all my questions and supported me morally. The operation was successful and the recovery was much easier than I expected thanks to the competent recommendations of the specialists. The medical staff was always there to help and monitor my condition. I would especially like to note the individual approach and friendly attitude - in such an atmosphere you feel like a dear guest rather than a patient. Now I feel much better and I am already starting to see the first positive results. Thank you for my new life! I recommend the clinic to everyone who wants to solve the problem of excess weight safely and effectively. I would like to thank the coordinator Olga and Dr Alaattin Ozturk for their incredible professionalism and support! Olga was in touch with me from the very beginning and helped me with the organisation of all stages - from consultations to rehabilitation. Thanks to her attentiveness and care I felt calm and confident. All questions were solved promptly, and her friendliness and helpfulness made the preparation process comfortable. Dr Alaattin Ozturk is a true master of his craft! His confidence, professional approach and attentive attitude inspired full confidence. The operation went perfectly and the post-operative period was carefully monitored. He was always ready to give advice and support on the way to a new life. Thank you so much for your care, warmth and professionalism! Thanks to you, this important step became easier and more confident for me!
Аnna Dolidze
I can 100% recommend this clinic and surgeon.
I was nervous travelling to a different country where I don’t know the language for this operation. Also this surgeon and hospital was about 20% cheaper than other offers and I hoped that wouldn’t be reflected in the quality of care. I shouldn’t have worried! I felt taken care of the whole time. They went above and beyond to make sure I was Ok. Ismael my co-ordinator and translator was lovely and professional. The doctor did an amazing job with my nose and I am so happy with the results. I can 100% recommend this clinic and surgeon.
I recommend the clinic 1000%.
Good afternoon.I recommend the clinic 1000%.the team works like clockwork, support and attention 24/7.Dr Murat Yaman has golden hands, he knows what he is doing.I had abdominoplasty 360, breast lift without implants and Lipo, everything went perfectly.From the moment you arrive at the airport, you get into the caring hands of Oli the interpreter, who is also in her place, she guides you from A to Z, very attentive and efficient, thank her very much! The whole team of the clinic is just super, this is not my last trip to them.I recommend it to everyone and to all beautiful transformation and health!!!!
Kseniia Pidosinnikova
The medical staff treated me disrespectfully several times. 1) immediately after the operation I was supposed to be taken to the ward and iced, instead I was left in the corridor alone for about 15-20 minutes until I started asking for help from passers-by, and it was difficult for me to speak as my lips were cut. 2) I was not offered any anaesthetic after the operation and was not even asked how I was. I had to ask for medicine myself and it was brought to me only after half an hour, but how much fun they had in the corridor laughing and chatting! 3) The nurse went to measure my blood pressure, put a cuff on my arm and left, and it was beeping for about 5 minutes until I took it all off, and when she came back an hour later, she was not interested in the indicators. 4) I was not even warned that we would have to sleep in the hospital the first night before the operation, although I asked the interpreter about the hotel in advance, it's good that we did not book a room in advance! 5) the surgeon did not even ask what shape I want to give my lips and when before the operation made a sketch, they did not even bring me a mirror! There is no point in adding photos yet, the result will be clearer in about a month, when it heals better.
Ol'ga Olegovna
The work he did on me was outstanding.
Surgery in Turkey, I am 60 years old, and I travelled to Istanbul for a Deep Plane Facelift and a lower and upper Blepharoplasty. Bookimed, I am so grateful to you, I could not have made this journey without your assistance. Thank you very much for your guidance and patience. I hope I did not give you a hard time. Turkey is a safe place to travel, it is safer than Paris, Milan or Manhattan. I never felt in danger in Istanbul. From the moment I arrived at Lokman Hekim Hospital, everything was taken care of by Ismael Ali, who is an easy going and friendly translator. The pre-operative test were done as soon as I arrived. The day after I met Doctor Murat Yaman who is a friendly and open person. Before travelling to Istanbul I checked his background and found him to be a very good and competent surgeon. So, on that day I was relaxed for the surgery because I knew I was going to be in good hands. The work he did on me was outstanding. I am still in the healing process. My eyes are a bit irritated, but that is normal. My face is still a bit swollen but it no longer hangs. My face has changed expression from appearing to be sad or angry to reflecting a normal emotion. A big thanks to the Lokman Hekim Hospital staff some of them spoke a little bit of English others were fluent but all of them were caring, kind, super friendly and always ready to help.
Rutt Gast-pareja
Overall my time in Istanbul and Luqman Hekim Hospital was 10/10 and would highly recommend it.
Upon Arival To Istanbul i was guided every single way. I was transported to and from hotel and airport. Ismael from the hospital was the highlight of my time spent in Istanbul as he helped each and everything needed. Procedure went smooth and the doctor Salim was amazing. He has the experience and talked me through everything slowly about the surgery. Aftercare was spot on and was assisted by a doctor nearly every hour upon my night stay in hospital. They also assisted my Uncle in getting a Skin Tag Removal procedure which was done within the same day. My uncle was also very happy with how this time in Istanbul was. Overall my time in Istanbul and Luqman Hekim Hospital was 10/10 and would highly recommend it. Thank you for everything.
I highly recommend this hospital for any one looking for a comfortable and honest place to get the best from there surgery.
My mother had vascular surgery at Lokman Hekim Istanbul Hospital she came from Chile to get treatments for her varicose veins. I wish to express my deep appreciation for the wonderful care my mother received at Hospital. Everyone from the nurses to the doctors everyone — was absolutely fantastic, professional, caring and outstanding. I can't say one negative thing about the Hospital, we received outstanding care throughout our stay and came home very happy … thank you to our coordinators Ismael and specially Burçin Yeseler for taking excellent care of us. She helped us with everything she took care of every single detail. I want to thank to the drivers and our fantastic nurse Ezra. Doctor Sinan Göçer who performed the surgery was brilliant, he explained everything to us. He was very professional, patience and also very caring we couldn't be in better hands. I highly recommend this hospital for any one looking for a comfortable and honest place to get the best from there surgery. This place is filled of staff that are generally there to help you and most importantly make you feel so welcome with their hospitality. 💙 Thank you so much once again 🙏
Jessica Garrido
I feel amazing.
I liked everything about my experience. First and foremost the smooth and easy organization, no complications from landing till departure. Hospital took care of everything from airport to the hotel and back. And there were no unexpected expenses except the medications you need after the surgery once you leave the hospital which is normal and is the case everywhere. This was my second nosejob because I have had really complicated nose and doctor got the most he could out of it and I feel amazing.
Murat Yaman is a God-kissed doctor!
My 100% recommendation of Lokman Hekim Clinic! It is a well-coordinated work of professionals for the most comfortable conditions starting from picking me up at the airport, reception at the clinic, surgery, follow-up care,...! After my decision to do abdominoplasty in this clinic, I had communication with other clinics in Poland, Prague, but Turkey, namely this clinic is the winner! Murat Yaman is a God-kissed doctor! These words say it all how satisfied I was with this man! Wonderful girl Alyona interpreter who was on call 24/7, medical staff very attentive and caring, operator Christina from Bookimed was also always on call. If you want to get professional services, then this is Lokman Hekim Clinic! My recommendation! 💯
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