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Functional Medicine

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Despite all the developments in the world of science and technology and all the applications made to prevent chronic diseases, these diseases continue to increase.

In many standard medical applications, only the complaints of the patients are reduced without reaching the root cause and a permanent solution cannot be provided. In this sense, "Functional Medicine", which deals with the human body from a holistic perspective in terms of spiritual, physical and mental aspects, is gaining importance by making a difference today.

In our Medicabil Functional Medicine and Healthy Life department, we provide service with our expert team to help you acquire healthy life habits. As the Medicabil Functional Medicine and Healthy Life team, we focus on improving your health status from its current state.

In our Medicabil Functional Medicine and Healthy Life department; We provide comprehensive support to the person with our Functional Medicine Physician, Functional Medicine Dietician and Functional Wellness Coach. When necessary, our other branch doctors, psychologist and physiotherapist are also involved in your treatment process.

The Place of Functional Medicine Approach in the Medical Community in the World and in Our Country

The functional medicine approach, which has been a trending practice in the early 2000s all over the world, especially in America, has also been on the agenda in our country in recent years.

What Is The Difference Between Functional Medicine Approach Treatment Methods and Mainstream Medicine Treatment Methods?

Standard medicine is a system established on diagnosing the disease with the necessary laboratory and imaging tests and starting drug treatment appropriate for this diagnosis.

Functional medicine, on the other hand; focuses on finding the source of the underlying functional disorder rather than the diagnosis of the disease or the organ it affects, and reveals the root cause of the disease. It implements treatments and lifestyle changes that will eliminate this cause with the patient's personal participation in the process. Thus, it makes a difference in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Does The Treatment Applied With The Functional Medicine Approach Reject the Requirements of Mainstream Standard Medicine?

In the functional medicine approach, plans are definitely made by communicating with the relevant branch doctors. Functional Medicine; It is an approach that adds strength to the treatment process without interfering with the treatment of the physician who follows the patient and without rejecting the requirements of mainstream medical treatment.

It is an approach that makes a difference in many diseases, especially chronic inflammatory diseases, and provides effective results in treatment.

Chronic inflammatory diseases are a main heading covering many diseases from dementia to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases to cancer, Hashimoto's thyroiditis to rheumatological disorders, depression to reflux, irritable bowel disease to skin diseases such as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis to allergies and asthma.

How Are The Effects of the Functional Medicine Approach Seen?

In the functional medicine approach, the team helps you get rid of your diseases by ensuring that you are healthy individuals mentally and physically, and the effect of this accelerates with your active participation in this process.

The motivation of the person to be involved in the recovery process is one of the most important factors in the success to be achieved. For this reason, only individuals who are conscious and play an active role in the process can adapt to the approach of this school.

How Does a Person Go Through an Evaluation with the Functional Medicine Approach?

The functional medicine approach addresses the person's complaints from a holistic perspective. It focuses on 4 main issues simultaneously for the detected functional disorder:

  • Nutritional status
  • Sleep hygiene/status
  • Exercise status
  • Stress management (social relationships)

A detailed anamnesis form and a physician and dietician evaluation are performed to find the root cause of your complaint, and interviews are held with the coach.

Diseases That the Functional Medicine Approach is Interested in

The diseases that the functional medicine approach is interested in are as follows:

  • Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases
  • Hypothyroidism (Thyroid Dysfunction Diseases)
  • Hashimoto's Disease
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Testosterone?
  • High Cholesterol
  • Fatty Liver
  • Polycystic Ovary Disease
  • Endometriosis
  • Pre- and Post-Menopausal Syndrome
  • Menstrual Irregularity
  • Infertility
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Gastric and Digestive Diseases
  • Irritable Bowel (IBS)
  • Celiac, Gluten Sensitivity
  • Sibo
  • Reflux
  • Crohn, Ulcerative Colitis
  • Muscle, Joint and Rheumatological Diseases
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Alzheimer's
  • Dementia
  • Restless Legs
  • Depression
  • Migraine
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity
  • Allergic and Skin Diseases
  • Urticaria
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Functional Medicine Dietitian

With a multidisciplinary approach, the Functional Medicine physician and Functional Medicine Dietitian determine the problem or problems as a result of detailed anamnesis (patient history), detailed examination and evaluation. The Functional Medicine Dietitian determines the nutritional treatment protocol according to these results.

A Functional Medicine Dietitian Can Also Support A Client Who Has An Overweight Complaint Or Wants To Evaluate "Am I Really Healthy?".

A FT dietitian benefits from the healing power of nutrients. While adding some nutrients or food groups to the program, he removes some nutrients and food groups from the program.

What is Functional Nutrition?

In essence, it is a nutritional model that supports immunity, consisting of colorful foods, colorful plates and variety that are good for both the mind and the body. It aims for quality nutrition at the cellular level.

What is Functional Medicine Wellness Coaching?

Our wellness coach, who has the approval of the International Coaching Certificate, will support you in implementing your own resources and incorporating and maintaining healthy living habits into your life. During this support, he will work with you to determine your roadmap under the leadership of our physician and dietitian.

He will accompany you on the topics of what changes you need in your lifestyle, what your strong character aspects are, how you can use them and how you can reveal them.

  • Functional Medicine and Wellness Department Services
  • Functional Medicine Physician Evaluation
  • Functional Medicine Dietitian Interview
  • Functional Medicine Wellness Coach Interview

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